He was born of his janck ―身体は異形で出来ている― Spirits is hisbody Brave is hisblood ―血潮は風で、心は鋼― He had forty eight skill ―幾たびの決斗をくぐり不敗― The mask isn't wet because of tears ―ただの一度も悲しみはなく― The belt doesn't shine even if it wins ―ただの一度も栄光はない― Men who never die occasionally defend the world with the motorcycle ―彼の意志は常に継がれ、世界を憂いて鉄馬を駆る― He not got his happiness ―故に生涯に平穏はなく― His hole life was unlimited justice works ―その身体はきっと無限の正義で出来ていた―